Dictionary in Python.

 #dictionary in python  L10

market ={"burger":"it is round with cheezy and tasty","pizza":"it is made up of roti shape bun","biryani":"indian most favourite dish which is use in all happy moment","rice":{"golden rice":"also known as poor basmati bcoz of low cost and high nutritients","basmati rice":"this rice only have 8 variety in india and is most loved rice all over world","ukhra rice":"this rice is broken in shape"}}


print(market["pizza"])  #it will place pizza value

print(market("rice"["biryani"]))    #not showing result

market ["faizan"] = "user of python"   #this will add info to market


del market["faizan"]    #this will delete the grp


market2 = market.copy()

del market2["burger"]



#market.update({"leena":"toffee"})   #to add use {""} in the sentence



#print(market.get["burger"])    #dont get the result

print(market.items())   #all items will be displayed

#search google dictionary functions python
